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Construction permit design

Construction permit design

New design line for construction permits

                            New design line for construction permits

At your request, we prepared in 2008 a new design line for construction permits. A construction permit design (CPD) meets all attributes in the appendix to the construction permit application.

The construction permit design is suitable for customers who want to be certain about constructing a selected home on their own land without investing a lot, when appropriate by securing a mortgage, or are planning to make such changes in the design that a completed project design would not be enough for them. A construction permit design includes 1:100 scale drawings, a summary technical report, a static calculation and a simple professional scheme. A construction permit design is used to get a construction permit. Its content is not sufficient in itself for the construction of a single-family house.

Drawings – CPD (0,7 MB)

Text – CPD (0,6 MB)

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